
231 State Farm Parkway, Homewood, AL 35209

Our Services

An overview of the services you offer and how they will benefit the visitor.

Personal Loans

Need a new house or car? We've got you covered.

Personal loans from Wambui street provide you fast, flexible access to funds that can be used for many major life events, expenses or consolidating debt, all with one fixed monthly payment.

Business Loans

We’re 100% focused on small Business Loans. We launched in 2011 to solve a major issue facing small businesses: financing. We combined our passion for Main Street with cutting-edge technology to evaluate businesses based on their actual performance, not personal credit. That enables us to say “yes” more often and faster than traditional lenders, which lets owners spend their time where it should be, on growing their business, not seeking financing. We have helped thousands of business owners receive the financing they need to take their business to the next level. Contact us today to apply for free by either filling out the form or calling

Credit Score Improvement

Need to boost your FICO to get bigger loans? Easy. Why Repair Credit? Your Credit score Improvement comes from your credit report; it is your spending and repayment report card. Credit reports often aren’t correct, and incorrect information can hurt your score. We make sure the your credit report contains correct information so you’ll have the highest score possible. How It Works Our service includes your private assessment, contacting creditors on your behalf, sending documentation back and forth, and more. We have been trained on recent laws, statutes, and credit reporting practices. We also know what items on your report affect your score the most. Why Us? A low credit score can keep you from the things you want. But did you know a low credit score can impact a lot more than just financing? Do the best thing you can do for your future. Call us today and let our experience save you time, money, and frustration.

Real Estate Loans

Whether its Real Estate Loans commercial or residential, we can help you make that next real estate purchase! Contact Us [email protected]

Whether you’re looking to buy and hold, fix and flip, or build to rent, Wambui Street has the capital for your investment needs. Our rental loans provide liquidity and long-term peace of mind to owners of stabilized rental properties while our bridge loans and pre-approved credit lines provide funds to investors with shorter investment horizons.


If you produce consistent revenue (particularly from multiple sources) then in most cases you should qualify even if you have had bad credit score or bankruptcies etc

There are a lot of things that can be done to improve credit scores such as by having trusted lending accounts vouch for you. We have such accounts and can also teach you how to get them in addition to other techniques to improve your credit score (be it for personal or business reasons).

No. We look at your revenue mainly as the main criteria.

  • Starting up a new business
  • Beginning a post-graduate course at a university
  • Putting a deposit down for a house
  • & more